Rave Reviews Book Club presents a BLOG TOUR for KAREN INGALLS (author of DAVIDA and OUTSHINE).


Karen Ingalls


The number one piece of advice is: believe in yourself. It can be too easy for other people to question the efforts and beliefs of others. Do not let their doubts or lack of faith in you stop your writing.

            There are many writers who have had formal training. The may have their PhD’s in English or Writing, but many writers have not been formally trained. They wrote a story because they believed in it.

            Do not be discouraged by rejection letters from publishing firms or literary agents. I received many such letters, but the encouragement from friends and family AND my belief in the importance of my story led me to become an Indie. I have no regrets.

            Writing, editing, and publishing your book are the relative easy parts. For me, and probably most writers, the hardest part is the marketing. Going to book clubs, book expos, joining Internet book clubs (Rave Reviews Book Club is a must), writing articles, books signings at bookstores, connecting with other authors on FB and LinkedIn, having a blog, are just a few of the many things to do. Getting reviews on Amazon or Barnes & Noble is important.

            Becoming a published author is a learning experience. It can seem overwhelming at times, but when you get positive reviews you will be grateful and inspired. Be sure to thank each person in writing for their review. If it is a negative review, contact the reader to understand his/her point of view.

            Being proud of your work and believing in yourself are the two most important gifts to treasure.

 Pick up a copy of Karen’s book online:



Barnes & Noble

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20 thoughts on “Rave Reviews Book Club presents a BLOG TOUR for KAREN INGALLS (author of DAVIDA and OUTSHINE).

  1. Karen, You have give good advice to writers. Your readers are happy that you “believed in yourself” and did not get discouraged! Thank you for hosting, Patricia.


    • Our writing says a lot about who we are. Feeling good about or proud of our endeavors is a critical element. “Be proud of your work” is a lesson I was taught by my grandparents.Thank you for stopping by, Gordon.


  2. Karen, I think we all became Indie Authors because we didn’t want to continue getting rejections and becoming discouraged. Thank goodness for all the help out there including RRBC.

    Have a great tour!


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